It
gets
my
crippled
friends
around,
but
it's
uncomfortable
to
sit
on
Comment
Get
out
get
out
get
out
of
these
damn
magazines.
And
put
my
face
on
the
cover
instead
#IveGotThatOneThing
Pretty
nice
and
the
stall
is
spacious.
There
was
plenty
of
soap
and
paper
towels.
The
floor
was
a
little
wet
someone
turnt
my
sour
cream
upside
down
and
now
it's
mixed
with
rice
and
I'm
passionate
about
foods
not
touching.
Never
been
there
so
I'll
give
it
an
average
rating.
mean
it's
pretty
but
who
knows
the
food
could
suck
As
always,
classic.
But
season
is
still
my
favorite
because
finally
breaks
up
with
Steve.
#allhedidwaseattheirfood
bought
it
with
my
wonderful
books
a
million
discount
card
and
it
fulfills
my
dreams
of
becoming
billy
ray
#akybraky<3
Macaulay
fuckin
Culkin
plus
it
has
cream
cheese
icing
in
the
corner
is
that
a
plus
or
a
minus
;)