Usually
dressed
in
all
orange
to
sell
ice
cream,
now
dressed
as
a
pirate
Based
off
of
the
Dr.
Who
"Gallifrey
Fighting
Timelords"
T-Shirt
Logo
Music
grade
A,
lyrics
grade
F-,
song
averages
at
C-
Giant
empty
ugly
building
off
interstate
4.
Blinding
during
certain
times
of
the
day
Almost
as
fast
as
my
wifi,
blows
my
3g
out
of
the
water
Changes
from
30-70
through
the
day,
makes
for
lots
of
slow
traffic
From
Dr
Who,
made
out
of
perler
beads,
with
custom
stand
Dublin
Donuts,
broken
bread
and
only
side
grilled.
Fail